Quality policy

We, the members de IDI Pharma & Chemistry Engineering, S.L. (onwards IDI), we are committed to the Quality management principles established by ISO 9001:2015 Amd 1:2024 in the performance of our services (qualification of equipment and facilities, HVAC air conditioning system and services necessary for manufacturing in the industry pharmaceutical. Design of facilities and pipelines for the pharmaceutical and chemical industry). The integrity and the commitment They are the foundations of the company and that is why we strive to:

  • Understand the needs and expectations of our clients of the pharmaceutical, chemical and food industries in terms of the provision of engineering services and qualifications of equipment and facilities.
  • Define a way of working that continuously and consistently pursues the commitment to the needs of our clients in all projects, big or small, understanding that they are all important to them.
  • Promote the risk based thinking.
  • Provide a permanently high-quality and sustainable service, mediante la aplicación de procesos estandarizados, buscando un alto grado de productividad y de creatividad que nos permita abordar los proyectos de forma única para resolver problemas singulares, además de contribuir a la reducción del impacto ambiental de nuestras actividades y nuestros clientes.
  • Learn from our mistakes, searching for their origin to advance continuous improvement.
  • Promote the development of our staff, seeking to improve skills and attitudes that help us continue growing as a team and thus improve our response to our clients.
  • Provide soluciones en las áreas de ingeniería, cualificación de equipos e instalaciones, no sólo entregando un servicio, sino facilitando al cliente la consecución de sus objetivos asumiendo sus problemas como propios.
  • Cumplir con requisitos aplicables legales and obligaciones vinculantes con las normas del sector.
  • Promover como filosofía de empresa prácticas sostenibles en nuestras actividades y proyectos.

Promote the development of our staff, seeking to improve skills and attitudes that help us continue to grow as a team and thereby improve our response to our customers.

The people who make up IDI are the company's most valuable asset to achieve an excellent final service that fully satisfies its clients. To this end, the organization strives to provide training, promote personal and professional development of each of its collaborators and facilitate family conciliation.

La confianza que los clientes tienen en IDI es uno de los pilares fundamentales de la compañía. Por ello reforzamos el compromiso de satisfacer sus necesidades en tiempo, con la calidad exigida y con total integridad.

We are passionate about our work and that's why we give it our all!

This Policy establishes the framework from which the Quality Objectives arise, applicable to all IDI members.

Les Franqueses del Vallès, 25 de noviembre de 2024.

Francisco Arguimbau

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